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Auto Accident Law in Quincy, MA

Auto Injury Lawyer Fighting Diligently for Victims in Norfolk County

Representing With Care and Professionalism

Whether minor or serious, an injury resulting from an auto accident can cause numerous physical, emotional, and financial problems. If you’ve been involved in an accident that has left you unable to operate at the same day-to-day level you were at before the incident, you may be entitled to compensation.
Since auto accident laws in Massachusetts are complicated, your best option is to speak with a qualified Massachusetts auto injury lawyer to assess and determine your rights and options.

Comparative Fault Laws in Massachusetts

The state of Massachusetts has a modified form of comparative fault laws. This means the plaintiff’s negligence or the person injured in an auto accident is compared alongside the negligence of the other person or people involved, or the defendant(s). If you have been in an accident and it can be proven that you were less than 50% responsible for causing the accident, you may be entitled to damages and compensation.

What to Do Following an Auto Accident

After you’ve been treated for your injuries by medical professionals, the next step is to begin collecting all documents and other evidence relating to your injury – photos of your vehicle, photos of your injuries, doctor notes, medical file, and anything that may help provide proof should you decide to file a lawsuit in the future.

Get Started

Contact us today if you have a potential Auto Accidents case.

With the right Massachusetts personal injury attorney by your side, you don't have to feel overwhelmed after an auto accident. Call The Law Office of John J. Strazzulla at (617) 328-3210 to schedule a free consultation.